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  • A-Z of Embroidered Flowers (A-Z of Needlecraft)
  • A-Z of Embroidered Flowers (A-Z of Needlecraft)
A-Z of Embroidered Flowers (A-Z of Needlecraft)
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A-Z of Embroidered Flowers (A-Z of Needlecraft)

No produk : 000000498058

Rp 274.000
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    This intricate A-Z guide to embroidered flowers provides inspiration on recreating blooms and buds from Alyssum to Zinnia, with clear step-by-step instructions, guidance on stitches and threads and tidbits of trivia about the flowers themselves.

    ISBN : 9781782211686
    Author : Country Bumpkin
    Publisher : Search Press Ltd
    Dimension Product : 23.4x21.6x1.2 Cm


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